Raising Funds to help low-Income Immigrant pay for expensive Immigration fees. image

Raising Funds to help low-Income Immigrant pay for expensive Immigration fees.

“Donate to help immigrants in need”

$70 raised

$10,000 goal

/ 150


Immigrants are living in fear. Take this loving father playing with his toddler on a swing after his girlfriend is deported not sure what his next move is, Immigrants experiencing the terrifying suspense of a check-in appointment with Immigration and Custom Enforcement officials, and others who don’t know if they’ll be instantly detained and deported or allowed to stay with his citizen wife and child. Immigrants need our help. I recently had a chance to meet Anna from Africa who came to the US to find a better life. “I never attended school. My father believed there was no value in girls attending school. He said I should focus instead on tending the house and preparing for marriage. And yet, I always knew my father was wrong. I longed to get educated. I knew that if you could not read or write, your place in life would be meaningless. In my community, women and girls who attended school were much better off than those who didn’t. The thought of leaving my country had never crossed my mind. But then, I met some friends who encouraged me to consider leaving. They said if I left, I could have a better life. They said I would make a lot of money styling hair in the United States and even learn other skills. And so, I left for the US.

With my baby, We spent days traveling by sea. It was extremely cold, and we had no vests, no blankets, no protection, and very little food. I would not advise even my worst enemy to take this journey. On the journey, we were mistreated, fed spoiled food, and received inadequate healthcare when we were sick. The conditions were inhumane. In the end, I made it to the US. I like it here. My wish is to get my work papers and get training in something other than styling hair. No matter what, I know that my son will have a better future than I did”. Migrants such as Anna need our help as they face many hardships in the US such as housing and financing to help pay for immigration applications and attorneys fee.

At C&J Migrant Solutions we are here to help migrants such as Ann have a better life in the US than the one, she came from. With your donations, we can help migrants file paperwork and have access to attorneys to help with immigrant’s cases.